On Tuesday, April 8th, 2014, a serious, internet-wide security vulnerability was disclosed. The vulnerability, known as Heartbleed, affects the OpenSSL framework that is used by many internet sites to provide secure communication. LiveOps, along with countless other service providers, has been busy conducting a comprehensive security review.
Analysis Results
The LiveOps security team has conducted a comprehensive security review in response to the disclosure and we have determined that our systems are not vulnerable to the Heartbleed bug.
Do We Need To Do Anything?
Given that LiveOps is not affected by the Heartbleed vulnerability, you do not need to do anything to continue to use our service. However, as an added layer of assurance and part of industry best practices, we encourage our customers to change their passwords. You can initiate password expiration and reset activities via the LiveOps Contact Center Administration site, or contact LiveOps customer service for further assistance.