What happens when the hodge-podge of freemium tools you have deployed in your conference room just doesn’t cut it anymore? When searching for a high quality, all-in-one collaboration solution, Lifesize might be the tool for you and your company.

Whether it’s ghost-related or just bad technology, Lifesize is here to bust the video conferencing issues you’re facing in your conference room.     

Here are a few main areas where freemium tools fall short for business communications:

  • Reliability
  • Scalability
  • Quality
  • Consistency
  • Security
  • Support
  • The small hiccups you may first encounter can easily be written off as “you get what you pay for,” but they quickly add up, hindering end users from experiencing how easy and critical video can be for their organizations. The nice thing about Lifesize is the technology is so good that the content and the subject being discussed becomes the priority of the meeting, not the difficulty or challenges of the tools being deployed in the room.