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99.9% Uptime — Financially Backed
Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Audio, web and video conferencing have become indispensable
business collaboration tools. You rely on them for everything
from daily team projects to board meetings and global company
events. We recognize that for many businesses, our service
isn’t a nice-to-have; rather, it’s mission-critical. We’re deeply
ingrained in your workflow and a vital part of your business.

We take this seriously, and we want you to know how committed we are. We’re expanding
our dedication to customer obsession and world-class support by providing a financially
backed SLA.



  • Assures “three nines” uptime (99.9%)
  • Provides a credit toward renewal if the service availability is not achieved
  • Covers the ability to sign into the Lifesize cloud-based service and initiate video calls
  • Included in Lifesize Extreme Support

Review the Lifesize Extreme Support Service Level Agreement now to learn more
about this breakthrough quality of service offering, exclusively from Lifesize.

Frequently Asked

Please refer to the Lifesize Extreme Support Service Level Agreement for the official SLA and
complete details.

1. QUESTION: What is the service level
availability commitment?
We will use commercially reasonable efforts
to make the Lifesize cloud-based service generally
available 99.9% of each calendar month.

2. QUESTION: What happens if Lifesize does
not achieve the availability commitment?
In the event we do not achieve the availability
commitment in a calendar month, an eligible
customer will receive a service credit to their
account at the annual subscription renewal.

3. QUESTION: What is unavailable time?
“Unavailable time” is any continuous period
of time lasting five (5) minutes or more during
which registered users of the Lifesize cloud-based service are
unable to sign into the Lifesize service and
initiate video calls. Unavailable time is measured
per subscribed account per month.

4. QUESTION: Does unavailable time include
planned maintenance?
Unavailable time excludes time during which the Lifesize cloud-based service is unavailable due to planned,
emergency or customer-requested maintenance.

*Please refer to the Lifesize Extreme Support Service Level Agreement for the official SLA and complete details.